Understanding Place Values in NZ

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Lesson Plan: Understanding Place Values

Subject: English, Focusing on Place Values

Year Group: Year 1

Duration: 20 Minutes

Class Size: 4 Students

Location: New Zealand


Curriculum Context

This lesson aligns with the New Zealand Curriculum for English-medium education. Under the Mathematics and Statistics learning area, this lesson targets Number and Algebra strand for Level 1 students.

Curriculum Links:
- Understanding the number system through place value knowledge.
- Recognising the equivalence of numbers and numerals in various contexts.

For more specific curriculum details, refer to the New Zealand Curriculum Online.


Learning Objectives

By the end of this session, students will be able to:
1. Recognise and state the value of each digit in two-digit numbers.
2. Demonstrate basic understanding of the place value (units and tens).



- Place value mats for each student.
- A set of number cards (0-9) for each student.
- Whiteboard and markers.
- Counting blocks or counters.
- Place Value Chart (printed or drawn).


Lesson Plan Details

Introduction (5 minutes)

1. Greeting and Settling:
- Welcome the students and have them sit around a shared table with their place value mats in front of them.

2. Engagement Question:
- Ask the students if they know what numbers are used to show how many things are in a group. Introduce the concept of place value casually. "When we count things, we use numbers to tell us how many are there. Numbers are like a special code where each spot in the number tells us something important."

Main Activity (10 minutes)

1. Introduction to Place Values:
- Show a two-digit number on the whiteboard (e.g., 14).
- Explain the concept of tens and ones using counting blocks. "In the number 14, we have 1 ten and 4 ones."
- Demonstrate by placing 1 group of ten blocks and 4 single blocks on a large place value chart at the front.

2. Interactive Activity:
- Give each child a set of number cards and ask them to form the number 14 on their place value mats.
- Guide them to use the correct number of counters under the 'tens' and 'units' section to represent the number physically.

Group Practice (3 minutes)

1. Number Creation:
- Call out different two-digit numbers and have students arrange their cards and counters to match.
- Provide immediate feedback and encouragement as they work through different numbers.

Conclusion (2 minutes)

1. Recap of Learning:
- Review what was learnt by asking students to show what number is on their mats and explain why they placed that many counters in tens and ones.

2. Closure:
- Congratulate the students on their hard work. Remind them how place values help us understand what numbers really mean and hint at what they will learn next.



- Observe students as they place their counters and arrange their cards. Ensure they are placing the correct amount in each section.
- Listen for correct terminology during the wrap-up discussion.


Additional Notes

- Keep the tone light and playful to maintain the engagement of Year 1 students.
- Be patient and ready to assist students who may mix up tens and ones. Reinforce learning with positive feedback.

This lesson plan is designed to meet the specific educational standards and curriculum areas for New Zealand's Year 1 students, focusing on foundational number concepts in an engaging and interactive way.
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