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Throwing and Catching Skills

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Lesson Plan for Year 8 Physical Education: Throwing and Catching


This 20-minute lesson plan is designed for a Year 8 class in New Zealand and focuses on the skills of throwing and catching, which aligns with the New Zealand Curriculum's Health and Physical Education standards. The activities are tailored to help students develop hand-eye coordination, strategic thinking, and teamwork skills.

Curriculum Area and Level

- Subject: Physical Education
- Curriculum Area: Health and Physical Education
- Strand: Movement Concepts and Motor Skills
- Level: Level 4 of the New Zealand Curriculum
- Key Competencies: Participating and Contributing, Managing Self

New Zealand Curriculum - Physical Education

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate improved accuracy in throwing and catching a ball.
2. Apply teamwork and communication skills in a small group setting.
3. Understand and implement basic strategic positioning during catching and throwing activities.

Materials Needed

- Soft foam balls (one per group of 4 students)
- Cones to mark areas
- Whistle

Lesson Details

Warm-Up (5 minutes)

Activity: Dynamic Stretching and Light Jogging

- Instructions:
1. Lead the students in a series of dynamic stretches focusing on arms, shoulders, and wrists.
2. Follow with two minutes of light jogging around the playing area to increase heart rate.

Main Activity: Throwing and Catching Drills (10 minutes)

Activity Breakdown:

1. Basic Throwing and Catching
- Group Size: Pairs
- Instructions:
- Stand approximately 2 meters apart.
- Focus on underhand throws to ensure safety and control.
- Catch using both hands.
- Complete ten successful catches and then swap roles.

2. Triangle Drill
- Group Size: Trios
- Instructions:
- Students form triangles using cones at each point (2 meters apart).
- One student starts with the ball and throws it to another point of the triangle.
- The receiver throws it to the third point and the sequence continues.
- Aim for smooth, looped throws and calls out the receiver's name for attention.

Game: Barrier Ball (5 minutes)

- Group Size: Groups of 4
- Setup:
1. Each group of 4 creates a small square with each player standing at one corner.
2. One player starts with the ball.
- Instructions:
1. Players must throw the ball over an imaginary barrier in the middle of the square to another player.
2. Points are scored when a catch is completed without the ball touching the ground.
3. After each catch, the catcher must throw the ball to a different teammate.
4. Continue for 3 minutes, rotate throwers after each minute.

Cool Down and Reflection (3 minutes)

- Activity: Gentle Stretching and Discussion
- Instructions:
1. Lead students through a cool-down phase with gentle stretching of arms and shoulders.
2. Discuss what techniques helped improve their throwing and catching during the lesson.
3. Encourage feedback on what they enjoyed or found challenging.

Assessment and Evaluation

- Observational Notes: Take notes on the improvement in accuracy and technique during the lesson.
- Student Feedback: Gather student reflections on their performance and enjoyment.

Additional Resources

For further reading and extension activities, visit the Physical Education section on TKI - Health and Physical Education.

Safety Considerations

- Ensure all throws are made gently and that the area is clear of obstacles.
- Regularly check that all equipment is safe and appropriate for use.

This lesson should foster not only physical skills but also promote communication and cooperation among students, inherent in New Zealand's educational focus on holistic development.
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