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Te Reo Māori Language Introduction

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Days of the weeks colours and numbers
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Year 2 Te Reo Māori Lesson Plan: Days of the Week, Colours, and Numbers

Lesson Overview

Subject: Te Reo Māori
Year Level: Year 2
Duration: 40 minutes
Number of Students: 17
Curriculum Links: Te Marautanga o Aotearoa - Levels 1-2
Learning Intentions: Students will learn the days of the week, colours, and numbers in Te Reo Māori and will be able to use them in simple sentences.


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Recite the days of the week in Te Reo Māori.
2. Identify and name basic colours in Te Reo Māori.
3. Count from 1 to 10 in Te Reo Māori.
4. Construct simple sentences using days, colours, and numbers.

Resources Needed

- Flashcards with days of the week, colours, and numbers written in Te Reo Māori.
- Ka Mau te Wehi! supported resource for interactive activities.
- A whiteboard or a digital display.
- Colourful objects or toys.
- Worksheets for written activities.

Lesson Structure

Introduction (5 minutes)

1. Greeting: Begin the lesson with a traditional Māori greeting, "Kia ora tātou!"
2. Motivation Hook: Show a colourful chart with days of the week in both English and Te Reo Māori, asking students if they can guess what today is called in Te Reo Māori.

Main Activity (25 minutes)

Part 1: Learning the Terms (10 minutes)

- Days of the Week: Introduce the days of the week using flashcards. Have students repeat each day after you.
- Colours: Display different coloured flashcards and introduce the names of each colour in Te Reo Māori.
- Numbers 1-10: Use flashcards to teach numbers, with repetitions and simple counting exercises.

Part 2: Games and Interaction (15 minutes)

- Matching Game: Students match coloured objects to their corresponding name in Te Reo Māori.
- Counting Game: Using toys, ask students to count them in Te Reo Māori and match the number to a flashcard.
- Role-play: Students ask each other questions like "He aha te rā tēnei?" (What day is this?) and answer using their new vocabulary.

Consolidation (5 minutes)

- Interactive Quiz: Conduct a quick quiz using the digital display, where students choose answers about days, colours, and numbers.
- Reflection: Have students say one new word they learned today and pronounce it together.

Conclusion (5 minutes)

- Recap: Quickly recap all the new words learned in today's lesson.
- Closing: Encourage students to practice at home by saying the days of the week as they occur.
- Farewell in Te Reo Māori: End the class with "Ka kite anō au i a koutou!" (I will see you again!)


- Oral Participation: Observe students’ ability to pronounce words correctly during games and role-play.
- Worksheet Completion: Assess the worksheets to ensure students can correctly match and write the days, colours, and numbers in Te Reo Māori.

Additional Notes

- Ensure all activities are inclusive and accessible for all students.
- Be prepared to provide additional support to students who may find pronunciation challenging.

Relevant TKI Link: For more resources and support material click here.

By incorporating interactive and visual elements, this lesson plan aims to create a dynamic learning environment that encourages young learners to engage with Te Reo Māori in a meaningful way.
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