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Skeletal System Exploration Lesson

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Year 9 Physical Education Lesson Plan: The Skeletal System

Teacher Information

- Subject: Physical Education
- Topic: The Skeletal System
- Year Level: Year 9
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Class Size: 27 students

Curriculum Links

This lesson plan aligns with the New Zealand Curriculum for Physical Education, specifically targeting the 'Body Care and Physical Safety' strand which is part of the Health and Physical Education learning area. It addresses the following achievement objective for Level 5:

"Students will gain knowledge of the body’s response to physical activity and the importance of developing movement skills which contribute to personal safety."

Learning Intentions

Students will understand:
1. The basic structure and functions of the human skeletal system.
2. How the skeletal system interacts with other bodily systems to support physical activity.
3. Ways to care for and protect the skeletal system during physical activities.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify major bones in the human body.
2. Explain the role of the skeletal system in movement and physical activity.
3. Describe basic care strategies for maintaining bone health and preventing injuries.


- Skeletal system diagrams
- Projector and screen for presentation
- Whiteboard and markers
- Model of the human skeleton (if available)
- Physical Education textbook or handouts related to the skeletal system
- Internet access for viewing interactive skeletal system resources

Lesson Plan

Introduction (10 minutes)

1. Greeting and Settling In:
- Welcome students and briefly outline the objectives and activities for the session.

2. Interactive Q&A:
- Begin with a quick oral quiz about the human body, focusing on students’ prior knowledge about bones.

3. Introductory Talk:
- Provide a brief overview of the skeletal system using a diagram. Highlight the composition and roles of the skeletal system, such as support, protection, and movement.

Main Activity (40 minutes)

Part 1: Exploring the Skeletal System (15 minutes)

1. Presentation:
- Use a detailed skeleton model or diagram to discuss major bones (e.g., skull, ribs, femur, spine) and their specific functions.
- Discuss joint types (e.g., fixed, pivot, ball and socket) and their roles in sports and physical activities.

2. Interactive Activity:
- Students perform gentle movements to identify joints involved in various actions (e.g., bending the elbow, rotating the shoulder).

Part 2: Skeletal System and Physical Activity (15 minutes)

1. Group Discussion:
- In groups, students discuss how the skeletal system is crucial in different sports (e.g., the spine in gymnastics, the legs in football).
- Each group presents a short summary of their discussion.

2. Protection and Care:
- Teach about the importance of diet, exercise, and proper techniques in protecting bones during physical activities.

3. Quiz Activity:
- Conduct a small quiz to recap what has been learned about bone structures and their functions.

Part 3: Practical Application (10 minutes)

1. Demonstration:
- Demonstrate proper warm-up exercises that focus on joint mobility and discuss why these are vital for bone and joint protection.

2. Student Practice:
- Students practice the demonstrated exercises in pairs, observing and providing feedback to each other on their techniques.

Conclusion (10 minutes)

1. Recap:
- Quick recap of the day’s learning outcomes and revisit the learning intentions.

2. Feedback Session:
- Open the floor for students to ask questions or express what they found most interesting about the lesson.

3. Homework/Extension:
- Assign students to prepare a short presentation on how different activities affect the skeletal system, due for the next PE class.

4. Closure:
- Thank students for their participation and encourage them to be mindful of their skeletal health during their daily activities.

This lesson plan provides an engaging and comprehensive exploration of the skeletal system suitable for Year 9 students, aligning with New Zealand's educational standards.
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