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Poetry Writing Introduction.

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Lesson Plan: Introduction to Poetry Writing

Subject: Literacy
Year Level: Year 1
Duration: 45 minutes
Class Size: 22 students
Curriculum Area: English – Literacy Learning Progressions: Writing
Curriculum Level: Level 1 (New Zealand Curriculum)

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Identify simple rhyming words.
2. Create a two-line rhyming couplet.
3. Share their poems with the class.

Materials Needed:

- Whiteboard and markers
- Chart paper
- Individual student whiteboards and markers (or pencils and paper)
- Sample poems (provided in the lesson)
- "Rhyme Time" worksheet
- Pairs of picture cards with rhymable objects

Lesson Outline:

Warm-Up Activity (5 minutes):

Activity: Rhyme Match Game
1. Distribute pairs of picture cards to each student.
2. Students walk around the room and find the classmate with the matching rhyming picture.
3. Once matches are found, students sit down together.

Introduction to Poetry (10 minutes):

Activity: Understanding and Enjoying Rhymes
1. Gather students on the mat.
2. Read a simple age-appropriate poem aloud (e.g., a nursery rhyme). Example: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star".
3. Discuss what makes the sounds at the end of each line special (they rhyme).
4. Explain that poems are a type of writing that often uses rhymes to make them sound nice.

Group Activity: Exploring Rhymes (10 minutes):

Activity: Making Rhymes Together
1. Write a simple word on the board (e.g., cat).
2. Ask students to think of words that rhyme with it and raise their hands to contribute.
3. Write their rhyming words on the board.
4. Select one of the rhyming words and use it with "cat" to make a two-line couplet, demonstrating on the board.

Independent Writing Activity (15 minutes):

Activity: My First Poem
1. Hand out the "Rhyme Time" worksheet which contains pairs of starting words.
2. Challenge students to use each pair of words to create their own two-line rhyming couplet.
3. Provide assistance as needed, encouraging creativity and use of the rhyming words learned earlier.

Sharing and Feedback (5 minutes):

Activity: Poetry Reading
1. Invite students to share their couplets with the class.
2. Applaud each effort and give positive feedback, highlighting creative uses of rhyme.


- Observe student participation in rhyme creation.
- Review the completed "Rhyme Time" worksheets to ensure students are able to produce rhyming words and couplets.
- Listen to the shared poems to assess understanding and ability to create rhymes.

Additional Resources:

For further reading and examples of suitable poems, visit the New Zealand Poetry Box website which provides numerous resources for young poets.


After the lesson, reflect on which activities engaged the students the most and which aspects might need revisiting in future lessons. Consider how students' confidence in writing and sharing poetry can be further encouraged.

This lesson plan aligns with key competencies in the New Zealand Curriculum, focusing on using language, symbols, and texts effectively as well as participating and contributing in a group setting. For more information on curriculum standards, visit the NZ Curriculum Online.
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