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Persuasive Writing Lesson Plan

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Year 4 English Lesson Plan: Persuasive Writing


This lesson plan is designed to align with the Australian Curriculum standards for Year 4 English, focusing on persuasive writing skills. The aim is to enable students to understand the features of persuasive texts and to develop their ability to write convincingly about topics relevant to their experiences and environment.

Curriculum Links

This lesson specifically addresses the content descriptions from the Australian Curriculum: English Year 4 level:
- ACELY1694 - Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of audiences, demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features.
- ACELA1489 - Understand that texts can take many forms, and that stories and information texts have different purposes; text structures and language features help the text serve its purpose.

For more details, please visit the Australian Curriculum: English Year 4 page.


- Students will be able to identify the features of persuasive texts.
- Students will learn to organise their ideas and opinions to persuade others.
- Students will write their own persuasive text on an age-appropriate topic.

Resources Needed

- Whiteboard and markers
- Example persuasive texts (printed handouts)
- Writing paper and pencils
- Persuasive word list handouts
- Access to classroom computers or tablets (if available)

Lesson Duration

50 minutes

Lesson Details

Introduction (10 minutes)

1. Discussion: Initiate a discussion about persuasion. Ask students where they might have seen persuasion in action (advertisements, debates, asking parents for something they want, etc.).
2. Introduction to Persuasive Writing:
- Explain the purpose of persuasive writing: to convince the reader to agree with the writer’s point of view.
- Display a simple example of a persuasive text on the board and highlight key features like the statement of position, arguments, and concluding statement.

Exploration (10 minutes)

1. Group Activity: Split the class into small groups and hand out different examples of persuasive texts. Have each group identify and write down the features they notice (using a supplied checklist).
2. Group Sharing: Invite each group to share their findings with the class. Compile a master list of persuasive text features on the board.

Guided Practice (15 minutes)

1. Topic Selection: Introduce the writing task and present a list of topics that are relevant and interesting to Year 4 students, such as "Why our school should have a longer recess," "The best book to read in Year 4," etc.
2. Planning the Persuasive Text: Using a graphic organiser, guide students through planning their persuasive text. They should outline their main argument, supporting arguments, and conclusion. Emphasise using persuasive language and strong reasoning.

Independent Writing Task (10 minutes)

1. Writing: Students begin writing their drafts, using their plans. Encourage them to use persuasive language and varied sentence structures.

Closing (5 minutes)

1. Sharing and Feedback: Invite a few students to share their persuasive opening statements with the class.
2. Homework Assignment: Students are to finish their drafts for homework. Provide a peer review checklist for them to use in the next class for revising their work.


- Formative assessment will be conducted during the group activities and guided practice through observation and checking students' plans.
- Summative assessment will involve evaluating the completed persuasive texts based on a rubric that includes coherence of arguments, use of persuasive language, and overall text structure.

By the end of this lesson, Year 4 students will have enhanced their understanding and skills in creating persuasive texts, an essential component of the English curriculum aimed at developing effective communication and critical thinking abilities.
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