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Online Safety Lesson

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Health lesson, about social media and internet safety
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Health Lesson Plan: Social Media and Internet Safety

Curriculum Area

- Subject: Physical Education & Health
- Level: Year 5

Lesson Duration

- Duration: 45 minutes
- Number of Students: 27

Learning Objectives

1. Understand the potential risks associated with social media and the internet.
2. Develop strategies for staying safe and responsible online.
3. Learn how to protect personal information and recognize online dangers.


- Online Safety Video from Netsafe: Online Safety Video

Lesson Outline

1. Introduction (5 minutes)
- Begin by discussing the importance of using the internet and social media safely.
- Define key terms such as cyberbullying, privacy settings, and personal information.

2. Discussion on Risks (10 minutes)
- Facilitate a group discussion on potential risks of using social media and the internet.
- Highlight the dangers of sharing personal information online.

3. Online Safety Video (10 minutes)
- Show the prepared online safety video from Netsafe.
- Discuss key points from the video and reinforce important safety tips.

4. Interactive Activity (10 minutes)
- Divide students into small groups and provide them with scenarios related to online safety.
- Have each group come up with strategies to handle the given scenarios and share with the class.

5. Closure (5 minutes)
- Summarize the lesson by highlighting the main takeaways on internet safety.
- Encourage students to apply the safety tips discussed in their online activities.


- Observation: Monitor student participation during discussions and group activities.
- Reflection: Have students write a short reflection on one thing they learned about online safety.

Additional Notes

- Teachers can follow up on this lesson by incorporating ongoing discussions about internet safety throughout the curriculum.
- Encourage open communication with parents to further reinforce safe online practices at home.

This lesson plan aligns with the New Zealand Health and Physical Education curriculum standards for Year 5 students.
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