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Narrative Writing Workshop

Below is the prompt the teacher used to create this plan using our Ai:
I want the plan to focus on the writing of a narrative according to the narrative structure
Create my own plan

Lesson Plan: Writing a Narrative

Lesson Details

- Subject: English
- Year Level: Year 7
- Duration: 40 minutes
- Class Size: 22 students

Curriculum Alignment

This lesson aligns with the New Zealand Curriculum for English-medium education, particularly focusing on Level 4 objectives:
- Strand: Writing
- Achievement Objective: Show a developing understanding of how to shape texts for different purposes and audiences by creating narratives that draw on personal experience and imagination (NZ Curriculum - English)

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Understand the key elements of narrative structure: introduction, build-up, climax, resolution.
2. Plan and outline a narrative using the identified structure.
3. Begin writing a narrative using their plans that incorporates clear character and plot development.

Materials Needed

- Whiteboard and markers
- Narrative structure handouts
- Example narrative texts
- Writing notebooks or paper
- Pens and pencils
- Device with internet access for displaying examples if necessary (TKI - Literacy Online)

Lesson Outline

Introduction (10 minutes)

1. Engagement and Recap:
- Begin by discussing what a narrative is and what it is commonly used for.
- Ask students to name some of their favourite stories or books and discuss briefly what makes those narratives effective.

2. Introduction to Narrative Structure:
- Introduce the key elements of narrative structure: introduction, build-up, climax, resolution.
- Use a basic diagram on the whiteboard to illustrate these components.
- Provide a brief example of a narrative that fits into this structure.

Main Activity (25 minutes)

1. Group Planning Session:
- Divide the class into small groups or pairs.
- Distribute narrative structure handouts.
- Assign each group the task of brainstorming a simple narrative outline based on the narrative structure.
- Introduction: Set the scene and introduce characters.
- Build-up: Lead up to the main event with details that add tension or excitement.
- Climax: The main event or turning point of the story.
- Resolution: Conclude the story, resolving any conflicts and summarising the outcome.

2. Individual Writing:
- After planning, students return to their seats to begin writing their narratives individually.
- Encourage students to pull from personal experiences or their imagination to add depth to their narratives.

Closure (5 minutes)

1. Sharing and Feedback:
- Invite a few students to share their narrative plans or beginnings with the class.
- Provide positive feedback and one area for improvement focussed on narrative structure.

2. Homework Assignment:
- Students are to continue and finish their narratives as a homework assignment.
- Explain that these will be reviewed and discussed in the next class, focusing on narrative effectiveness and peer feedback.

Assessment and Evaluation

- Formative Assessment: Monitor group discussions and individual writing progress during the lesson. Offer immediate feedback and guidance.
- Summative Assessment: Evaluate the completed narratives based on understanding and application of narrative structure, creativity in storytelling, and grammatical accuracy.

This lesson plan is designed to integrate directly with the New Zealand Curriculum standards, making it relevant and valuable for Year 7 English classes across New Zealand. The focus on narrative writing helps develop essential literary skills in a structured and supportive manner, ensuring students can express their creativity while understanding important elements of text construction.
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