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Introduction to Guitar Fundamentals

Below is the prompt the teacher used to create this plan using our Ai:
I want the plan to focus on the fundamental skills that guitar players should learn when they are first starting out. such as being able to read tab, play open chords and know the notes on the guitar neck.
Create my own plan

Year 6 Music Lesson Plan: Introduction to Guitar

Subject: Music

Year Level: 6 (Ages 10-11)

Duration: 50 Minutes

Class Size: 6 Students


Learning Objectives

- Understand the layout of the guitar neck including string names and note placement.
- Learn how to read guitar tablature.
- Identify and play several basic open chords.

New Zealand Curriculum Alignment

This lesson aligns with The Arts in the New Zealand Curriculum. Specific focus is on Music – Sound Arts, aiming at levels 2-3, where students develop practical knowledge in music by exploring musical elements and instruments.

NZ Curriculum - The Arts


Resources Needed

- Acoustic guitars (one per student)
- Guitar picks (one per student)
- Handouts on guitar anatomy, tablature reading, and open chords
- Whiteboard and markers
- Projector or smartboard (optional for visual aid presentations)

Lesson Structure

Introduction (10 minutes)

1. Welcome and Learning Objectives Overview: Briefly discuss the plan for the lesson and the skills the students will be working on.
2. Exploring the Guitar: Each student gets a guitar. Begin by naming parts of the guitar – headstock, neck, frets, body, strings.

Lesson Development (30 minutes)

Part 1: Guitar Neck and Strings (10 minutes)

- Activity: Interactive whiteboard presentation showing the guitar neck, string names (E, A, D, G, B, e), and how notes are laid down on it.
- Students repeat string names and note placement out loud.
- Play a "note finding game" on the neck (Teacher calls out a note, students find and play it).

Part 2: Reading Guitar Tablature (10 minutes)

- Explanation and Handout: Give out sheets that explain tablature – the six lines representing the strings of the guitar, how numbers show frets.
- Practical Application: Display simple tablature on the board (e.g., open strings, simple melody) for students to try playing.

Part 3: Open Chords (10 minutes)

- Chord Sheets and Practice: Hand out diagrams for open chords (C, G, D, Em, Am).
- Demonstrate each chord, focusing on finger placement and strumming.
- Students practice forming and strumming each chord, assisted by teacher.

Conclusion (10 minutes)

Review and Reflection (5 minutes)

- Quick recap of what was learned: note locations, tablature, and chords.
- Ask students to identify one new thing they learned and one thing they found challenging.

Clean Up and Prepare to End Class (5 minutes)

- Organise the classroom, ensuring all guitars and picks are safely stored.
- End with encouragement for practicing the chords at home and a preview of the next lesson focusing more deeply on strumming patterns and song playing.



- Observation of student engagement and ability to recall string names and note placements.
- Assessment of accuracy in reading tablature and playing the correct notes.
- Check correctness of finger placements and sound production when playing chords.

Links for Further Learning

- Introduction to Reading Guitar Tabs
- Guitar Chords for Beginners

As a teacher in New Zealand, enriching students with musical skills like guitar playing aids in broader educational development fulfilling specific artistic and creative elements of the national curriculum.
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