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Incorporating Koru Patterns for Camouflage

Below is the prompt the teacher used to create this plan using our Ai:
I want to focus on incorporating koru patterns onto leaves to create camouflage
Create my own plan

Year 3-4 Art Lesson Plan: Incorporating Koru Patterns onto Leaves for Camouflage

Subject Area and Level

- Curriculum Area: The Arts - Visual Arts
- Level: Year 3-4

Lesson Objective

- Students will create artwork by incorporating koru patterns onto leaves to create a camouflage effect.

Lesson Duration

- 40 minutes

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify and discuss the significance of koru patterns in New Zealand art and culture.
2. Recognize and utilize different techniques to apply koru patterns onto leaves.
3. Create an artwork that demonstrates an understanding of camouflage using koru patterns.

Resources Needed

1. Fresh leaves for each student
2. Paints in various earthy tones
3. Paintbrushes
4. Water and paper towels for cleaning
5. Reference images of koru patterns and camouflage designs
6. A large display board for showcasing student work

Lesson Plan

1. Introduction (5 minutes)
- Begin the lesson by discussing the significance of koru patterns in Māori culture.
- Show examples of koru patterns and explain their meanings.

2. Demonstration (5 minutes)
- Demonstrate how to paint koru patterns onto leaves using various earthy tones to create a camouflage effect.

3. Guided Practice (15 minutes)
- Distribute fresh leaves and painting supplies to students.
- Encourage students to start painting koru patterns onto their leaves, explaining the concept of camouflage.

4. Creating Artwork (10 minutes)
- Allow students to continue painting and experimenting with different patterns on their leaves.

5. Reflection and Sharing (5 minutes)
- Ask students to reflect on their artwork and how the koru patterns contribute to the camouflage effect.
- Invite students to share their creations with the class.

6. Closure
- Display all completed artworks on a classroom board or wall for a mini-exhibition.


- Informally assess students during the lesson based on their engagement, creativity in incorporating koru patterns, and understanding of the camouflage concept.

Additional Notes

- Ensure students understand the cultural significance of koru patterns in Māori art.
- Encourage creativity and experimentation with different patterns to achieve an effective camouflage design.
- Provide positive feedback and support to students throughout the lesson.

For further information on incorporating koru patterns in art lessons for Year 3-4 students, you can refer to TKI Arts Online.

By following this detailed lesson plan, teachers in New Zealand can effectively engage Year 3-4 students in creating unique artworks that integrate koru patterns with camouflage designs, aligning with the New Zealand curriculum standards for visual arts education.
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