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Global Communication Evolution

Below is the prompt the teacher used to create this plan using our Ai:
explain how It is easier to communicate now with people all around the world due to technology and more
Create my own plan

Year 3 Social Studies Lesson Plan: Communication Across the World

Curriculum Area: Social Sciences

Level: Year 3

Duration: 60 minutes

Class Size: 25 students

Learning Objectives:

- Understand how communication has evolved over time.
- Recognize the impact of technology on communication globally.
- Appreciate the benefits and challenges of communicating with people around the world.


- World map
- Chart paper
- Markers
- Technology devices (computers, tablets)
- Images/videos showcasing global communication

Lesson Plan:

1. Introduction (5 minutes)
- Begin the lesson by discussing the concept of communication and how it has changed over time.
- Ask students to share their thoughts on how they communicate with family and friends.

2. Evolution of Communication (10 minutes)
- Show images or videos depicting how communication has evolved from ancient times to the present day.
- Discuss the role of different forms of communication such as letters, telephones, and the internet.

3. Impact of Technology (15 minutes)
- Explain to students how technology has made it easier to communicate with people all around the world.
- Discuss specific examples like emails, video calls, and social media.
- Show a world map and explain how technology enables instant communication irrespective of geographical distances.

4. Group Activity: Mapping Communication (15 minutes)
- Divide students into groups of 5 and provide each group with a world map and markers.
- Ask them to mark locations where they have friends or family living and discuss how they would communicate if technology did not exist.

5. Challenges and Benefits (10 minutes)
- Facilitate a class discussion on the benefits and challenges of communicating with people globally.
- Encourage students to think about language barriers, time zones, and cultural differences.

6. Conclusion (5 minutes)
- Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
- Encourage students to reflect on how they can be responsible global communicators using technology.


- Peer evaluation during group activity.
- Written reflections on the impact of technology on global communication.

Extension Activities:

- Research a traditional form of communication from another country.
- Create a poster showcasing the evolution of communication tools.


This lesson plan is designed to help Year 3 students in New Zealand understand the significance of technology in global communication. By exploring the evolution of communication and its impact, students will develop a broader perspective on connecting with others worldwide.

For more information on the Social Sciences curriculum in New Zealand, please visit TKI - Te Kete Ipurangi.

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