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Gender Inclusivity Lesson

Below is the prompt the teacher used to create this plan using our Ai:
please focus on gender, the difference between gender and sex, the importance of inclusive practises with gender and sexualit, impact on hauora
Create my own plan

Lesson Plan: Gender, Sex, and Inclusivity - Understanding Impact on Hauora

Subject: Physical Education and Health

Year Level: 11 (NCEA Level 1)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Class Size: 25 Students


Lesson Objective:

Students will understand the differences between gender and sex, explore the importance of inclusive practices relating to gender and sexuality, and analyse the impact these have on hauora (well-being).

Curriculum Links:

This lesson plan is linked to the New Zealand Curriculum, specifically:
- Health and Physical Education, Level 6: Personal Identity and Self-Worth, which includes understanding how societal and cultural attitudes impact personal well-being.
- Key Competencies: Thinking, using language, symbols, and texts; managing self; relating to others; participating and contributing.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Define and differentiate between ‘gender’ and ‘sex’.
2. Discuss the significance of inclusivity in relation to gender and sexuality.
3. Reflect on how gender inclusivity and understanding can promote better hauora in school and the wider community.
4. Develop and demonstrate strategies to promote inclusivity and respect.


Resources Needed:

- Projector and screen for presentations and video clips.
- Link to the Te Kete Ipurangi for additional resources and information.
- Whiteboard and markers.
- Handout materials on key concepts and terminology.
- Scenario cards for group discussions.

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (10 minutes)

- Welcome and setting expectations: Quick introduction to the topic and explanation of why it’s essential.
- Ice-breaker activity: “Who I Am” - Students write down three aspects of their identity they feel comfortable sharing.

Main Activity (40 minutes)

Part A: Explorative Learning (15 minutes)
- Presentation: Review concepts of gender and sex using a slideshow.
- Explain biological (sex) and societal (gender) aspects.
- Interactive Q&A to clarify misconceptions.

Part B: Discussion and Group Activity (25 minutes)
- Discussion: Importance of inclusivity in gender and sexuality.
- Divide students into small groups.
- Each group receives a scenario card related to school experiences around gender and inclusivity (ensure scenarios are respectful and appropriate).
- Groups discuss the scenario's impact on a person’s hauora and brainstorm inclusive responses or strategies.
- Groups share their strategies and responses with the class.

Conclusion and Reflection (10 minutes)

- Reflection exercise: Each student writes a short reflection on how this lesson could affect their behaviour and attitudes in school.
- Collective commitment: Create a ‘class promise’ to uphold gender inclusivity.
- Homework/Extension activity: Students are asked to find an article or story in the media that relates to gender inclusivity or health and prepare to discuss it in the next class.



- Formative Assessment: Participation in discussions, understanding shown in Q&A, and the practical application of concepts in scenario activities.
- Summative Assessment: Reflection writings and potential follow-up presentations on media articles.

Links for Further Information:
- Health and Physical Education in The New Zealand Curriculum
- Inclusive Education Guides for Schools - Supporting LGBTIQA+ Students


Notes for Educators:

Ensure the discussion environment remains respectful and supportive, given the sensitivity around topics of gender and sexuality. Always refer students who may need further support to appropriate counselling or support services available at or through the school.
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