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Fractions in Te Reo.

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Lesson Plan: Introduction to Fractions in Te Reo Māori

General Information

- Subject: Te Reo Māori
- Topic: Fractions
- Year Level: Year 2
- Duration: 45 minutes
- Class Size: 24 students
- Curriculum Area: Mathematics (fractions) under NZ Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Level 1-2
- Standards: Aligns with NZ Curriculum - Mathematics and Statistics and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa - Pāngarau

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Understand the basic concept of a fraction as part of a whole.
2. Identify and express simple fractions in everyday contexts using Te Reo Māori.
3. Demonstrate understanding of halves and quarters visually and verbally.

Materials Needed

- Fraction circles or pie models
- Paper plates and markers
- Visual aids displaying fractions (posters or digital slides)
- Kauwhata Reo resources (if available) for specific vocabulary: Kauwhata Reo

Lesson Plan Details

A. Introduction (10 minutes)

Motivation and Context Setting

- Begin by greeting the class in Te Reo Māori and explaining the day's topic.
- Introduce the concept of fractions by discussing everyday examples where fractions are used, such as cutting a cake or sharing fruit.
- Use visual aids to show parts of a whole, like a pie chart or a divided paper plate.

B. Direct Teaching (10 minutes)

Teaching the Concept

- Introduce key vocabulary in Te Reo Māori:
- Wahanga (Fraction/Part)
- Haurua (Half)
- Hauwhā (Quarter)
- Display a fraction circle and demonstrate dividing it into halves and quarters. Explain that each piece represents a fraction of the whole.
- Encourage students to repeat the terms after you and show the corresponding pieces of the fraction circle.

C. Guided Practice (10 minutes)

Interactive Activity

- Distribute paper plates and markers to students.
- Instruct them to fold their plates into halves and then into quarters.
- Have students label each part in Te Reo Māori with the terms learned.
- Walk around to provide support and check understanding as students work on this task.

D. Activity (10 minutes)

Applying Knowledge

- Organise the class into small groups and provide each group with various fraction circles.
- Task each group with constructing different fractions using their circles and explaining their creations to the class.
- Facilitate a discussion where students describe what fraction of their circle is coloured or not, using Te Reo Māori.

E. Conclusion & Reflection (5 minutes)

Reflecting on Learning

- Review the key terms and concepts discussed.
- Ask students to demonstrate their understanding by showing different fractions with their hands or fraction circles.
- Close with a reflective question: "How could you use your knowledge of fractions at home?"


- Observational: Monitor participation during interactive activities.
- Oral feedback: Assess students’ ability to use and understand Te Reo Māori fraction terms during group discussions.


- Encourage students to find and share examples of fractions from their home environment and discuss them in the next class.

Through this lesson plan, students are engaged in understanding fractions both conceptually and linguistically within the context of Te Reo Māori, thus integrating mathematical concepts with language learning relevant to the New Zealand education framework.
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