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Exploring Weather Patterns and Phenomena.

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Planet earth and beyond unit focus on weather
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Lesson Plan: Exploring Weather Patterns

Teacher: [Teacher's Name]

Year Level: Year 1 (5-6 years old)

Subject: Science - Planet Earth and Beyond

Duration: 45 Minutes

Date: [Insert Date]

Class Size: 22 Students

Curriculum Links:

This lesson aligns with the New Zealand Curriculum for science, specifically:

- Strand: Planet Earth and Beyond
- Level: Level 1
- Achievement Objective: "Explore and describe natural features and resources" (NZ Curriculum - Science)

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Identify different types of weather (sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy).
2. Describe basic weather patterns and phenomena specific to New Zealand.
3. Understand the importance of weather to daily life and natural environment.


- Large printed pictures of various weather conditions
- "What's the Weather Like Today?" chart
- Colored markers and crayons
- World map and a map of New Zealand
- Storybook: "Come Rain or Shine" by Aroha Walker (fictional example)
- Laptop and projector for showing videos
- Handout with simple weather symbols (sun, cloud, rain, wind)

Lesson Plan:

Introduction (10 minutes):

1. Setting the Scene:
- Start the class with a greeting song themed around weather.
- Show pictures of different weather conditions and ask students to name them.

2. Engagement Question:
- Ask, "What kind of weather do you like the most and why?"

Main Activity (25 minutes):

1. Story Time:
- Read aloud "Come Rain or Shine" by Aroha Walker, discussing the weather events in the story.
- Discuss how the weather affects the characters' activities and choices in the story.

2. Weather Chart Creation:
- Introduce the "What's the Weather Like Today?" chart.
- Teach students how to use symbols to describe the day's weather.
- Each student then draws today's weather on the chart using the appropriate symbols.

3. Interactive Weather Map:
- Show the map of New Zealand on the projector.
- Discuss common weather patterns in different regions (e.g., more rain in the West Coast, sunny in Hawke’s Bay).
- Play a short interactive video on weather patterns (Metservice NZ).

Conclusion (10 minutes):

1. Q&A Session:
- Invite questions from students about different types of weather and answer them using the props and resources.

2. Weather Reporter Activity:
- Role-play activity: Select a few students to be weather reporters, describing the weather in different parts of New Zealand using the map and symbols.

3. Reflection:
- Ask students how the weather might affect what they choose to wear or activities they might do.


- Informal observation of student participation and understanding during discussions and activities.
- Review of students’ drawings on the weather chart to ensure correct symbol usage.


- Encourage students to observe the weather at home and report back the next day.
- Plan a visit to a local meteorological station or arrange for a guest meteorologist to talk about weather in more detail.

This lesson plan offers an engaging approach to learning about weather, tailored to the needs and curiosities of Year 1 students, allowing them to explore and learn about their natural environment in a structured yet enjoyable way.
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