Exploring ANZAC Day for Year 1

Below is the prompt the teacher used to create this plan using our Ai:
Focus on ANZAC day but try make it fun and interesting
Create my own plan

Lesson Plan: Exploring ANZAC Day for Year 1 Students


This lesson plan is designed specifically for students in Year 1 at New Zealand schools. It focuses on introducing the concept of ANZAC Day in a way that is engaging and suitable for young learners. The activities aim to foster an appreciation of this important national day in New Zealand’s history, using interactive storytelling and arts.

Curriculum Area and Level

- Subject: Social Sciences
- Curriculum Area: Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories
- Level: Curriculum Level 1 (Years 1-3)


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the significance of ANZAC Day and recognise symbols associated with the day like the red poppy.

Materials Needed

- Storybook: "Anzac Day Parade" by Glenda Kane (or a similar age-appropriate book)
- Red crepe paper
- Green pipe cleaners
- Safety scissors
- Images and symbols from ANZAC Day (e.g., red poppies, dawn services)

Lesson Duration

Total Duration: 14 minutes

Lesson Details

Introduction (2 minutes)

1. Welcome and Setting the Scene:
- Greet the students and briefly explain that today they will learn about a special day called ANZAC Day, which is a significant day in New Zealand’s history.

Main Activity (10 minutes)

1. Interactive Storytelling (5 minutes):
- Read aloud from the book "Anzac Day Parade". Show pictures from the book during storytelling to make it engaging.
- After reading a page or two, encourage reactions or responses to the images and what they think ANZAC Day is about.

2. Craft Activity - Making a Red Poppy (5 minutes):
- Provide each student with red crepe paper and a green pipe cleaner.
- Guide them through the steps of making their own red poppy, a symbol commonly associated with ANZAC Day.
- Steps:
- Cut the red crepe paper into a simple flower shape.
- Twist the green pipe cleaner to form the stem and attach it to the paper flower.

Conclusion (2 minutes)

1. Wrap-up and Reflective Discussion:
- Gather the children and their crafted poppies.
- Discuss why the poppy is a special symbol for ANZAC Day (briefly explain its significance in remembering those who served).
- Encourage students to share what they learned or enjoyed about the lesson.

Additional Resources

- For further information on teaching Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories and guidance on curriculum content, visit Education.govt.nz - Aotearoa New Zealand Histories.
- Teachers can access additional resources and unit plans related to ANZAC Day and social sciences from TKI - Social Sciences Online.

Notes for Implementation

- Ensure all materials used are safe and age-appropriate.
- Modify the storytelling and discussion to suit the attention spans and comprehensibility of Year 1 students.
- Monitor all students during the craft activity to assist with scissors and ensuring all students are engaged.
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