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Bubble Properties Exploration

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Year 5 Science Lesson Plan: Exploring Bubbles

Curriculum Area: Material World

Level: Year 5

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the properties of bubbles, how they are formed, and the scientific concepts related to bubbles.

Lesson Duration: 80 minutes

Class Size: 30 students

Resources Needed:

- Bubble solution
- Bubble wands
- A variety of bubble blowers (different sizes and shapes)
- Plastic trays
- Water
- Dishwashing liquid
- Straws
- Paper towels

Lesson Plan:

1. Introduction (10 minutes):
- Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson: Bubbles.
- Engage students by asking questions like: "What do you know about bubbles?" and "Where do we see bubbles in real life?"
- Show a short video or demonstration of bubbles to pique students' interest.

2. Exploration of Bubble Properties (20 minutes):
- Divide students into groups of 5.
- Provide each group with bubble solution, bubble wands, and plastic trays.
- Instruct students to observe and document the properties of bubbles they create, such as size, shape, color, and how long they last.
- Encourage students to discuss their observations within their groups.

3. Bubble Formation Experiment (20 minutes):
- Set up a station with water, dishwashing liquid, straws, and paper towels.
- Demonstrate to the class how to create bubbles using the different materials.
- Allow students to create their own bubble solutions using the provided materials.
- Guide students to experiment with different ratios of water and dishwashing liquid to observe the impact on bubble formation.

4. Discussion and Explanation (15 minutes):
- Lead a class discussion on the science behind bubble formation.
- Discuss concepts such as surface tension, air pressure, and the thin film of soap that makes up bubbles.
- Invite students to share their findings and explain the properties of bubbles based on their experiments.

5. Wrap-Up and Reflection (15 minutes):
- Gather the students back together for a final discussion.
- Review the key learnings from the lesson regarding bubble properties and formation.
- Encourage students to reflect on what they learned and how they can apply it to other scientific inquiries in the future.


- Informal assessment through observations of student participation and engagement.
- Formative assessment based on students' understanding demonstrated during group activities and discussions.
- Students can also write a short reflection on their experience with bubbles and what they learned about the science behind them.

Extension Activity (Optional):

- Students can design their own bubble wand using recyclable materials and test its effectiveness in creating bubbles of different sizes.
- Encourage students to research and investigate other uses of bubbles in various industries (e.g., cleaning, medicine, entertainment) and present their findings to the class.

Additional Resources:

- Curriculum area link: Material World - TKI
- National Curriculum Achievement Objectives - TKI

By following this lesson plan, Year 5 students will have an engaging and hands-on learning experience exploring the fascinating world of bubbles through a scientific lens.
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