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Basic Fractions for Year 1

Below is the prompt the teacher used to create this plan using our Ai:
introduction to basic fractions starting with 1/2. interactive small group. Include extensions for students who are familiar and confident
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Year 1 Mathematics Lesson Plan: Introduction to Basic Fractions (1/2)

Lesson Overview

This lesson plan is designed for Year 1 students in New Zealand, focusing on introducing the concept of basic fractions starting with 1/2. The session is planned to be interactive, catering to a small group setting of 4 students. The lesson includes extensions for students who are already familiar and confident with the topic.

Curriculum Alignment

This lesson aligns with the New Zealand Curriculum, specifically:
- Learning Area: Mathematics and Statistics
- Strand: Number and Algebra
- Level: Level 1 (Years 1-3)
- Achievement Objective: Students will be able to equipartition an object into equal parts and understand simple fractions as equal parts of a whole.

For more details on the curriculum, visit the NZ Curriculum Online - Mathematics and Statistics.

Lesson Details

- Subject: Mathematics
- Topic: Introduction to Basic Fractions (1/2)
- Year Level: Year 1
- Duration: 15 minutes
- Class Size: 4 students

Learning Objectives

By the end of this session, students will be able to:
1. Understand the concept of halves.
2. Identify and create halves in different physical objects.
3. Articulate the meaning of the fraction 1/2.

Resources Needed

- Paper sheets (several)
- Safety scissors
- Objects for partitioning (e.g., apples, oranges, small sandwich)
- Fraction circles/flashcards showing 1/2
- Worksheets for practising identifying and colouring 1/2
- Whiteboard and markers

Lesson Plan

Warm-up (3 minutes)

- Activity: Quick discussion on dividing things into equal parts. The teacher will show a biscuit and ask how it can be shared between two friends equally.
- Purpose: To engage students and link the lesson to familiar situations.

Introduction to Fractions (3 minutes)

- Activity: Introduction of the term "half" and the fraction symbol 1/2. Explore its meaning through visual aids (e.g., fraction circles).
- Purpose: To provide students with an understanding of fractional language and symbols.

Interactive Activity (6 minutes)

- Activity: Interactive "Fold and Cut" session. Students are given a paper sheet. They will fold the paper into two equal parts and cut along the fold line to make two equal pieces.
- Purpose: To physically engage students in the concept of creating halves practically.
- Extension: For quick learners, explore folding the halves into quarters briefly after performing initial task.

Group Discussion and Recap (2 minutes)

- Activity: Discuss what students did and observed during the "Fold and Cut" activity. Emphasise the two parts are equal.
- Purpose: Reinforce learning and clarify any misconceptions.

Conclusion and Worksheet Task (1 minute)

- Activity: Hand out worksheets with various objects drawn. Students are asked to colour in 1/2 of each object.
- Purpose: To provide students with an opportunity to apply their new knowledge and assess their understanding.
- Extension Activity: For students needing more, provide objects with quarters shaded, challenging them to identify halves versus quarters.


- Observe students as they engage in the cutting activity and complete their worksheets. Check whether students can successfully identify and make halves of different objects.
- Discuss with students individually to ensure they understand the concept of 1/2.


End the lesson with a brief reflection:
- What did we learn today about fractions?
- How might we use this knowledge in real life?

Encourage students to look at objects around the home and consider how they might be divided into halves or other fractions.


This lesson plan provides a structured approach to introducing fractions to Year 1 students in a way that is hands-on and relevant, ensuring foundational concepts are understood in a fun and interactive setting.
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